Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Compare/Contrast modern life with life 100 years ago. Has it become well or worth?

Since a hundred years ago there have been lots of changes in life.In the past, most people spent a large portion of their time simply attempting to stay alive. There was little privacy in a community, and people were identified by their social role. Jobs were assigned out of necessity rather than personal choice. But nowadays, many people have come to think of their personal lives as separate from their work and privacy is highly valued. One of the most obvious developments is our women’s condition, in the past they were made to stay at home and decisions, like whom they should be married to, was made for them. But now, women have gained financial and emotional independence, they know that if they cultivate their confidence, self-belief and inner strength they can become just as powerful as any man. So all in all, I think things are a lot better now than a hundred years ago.

Fatemeh Salehi Rad

Monday, May 26, 2008

Compare yourself to what you were 5 years ago, have you changed or not?

Comparing myself to what I was five years ago, I can find much differences rather than similarities. I'm so happier now than what I was before. Although I didn't have any problem, I was so disappointed and unhappy. I was very aggressive before and I was different from what I am now. I was more serious about life at that time and I was worried about future; in contrast I prefer to live at present now and not to think about life seriously. Because it just drives me mad and won't do me any good. I have more experience now which helps know how to make decisions by myself; however I was quite inexperienced before and trusted every stupid person easily and also needed other's advice to make a decision. I'm more strict and persistent than before. Contrary to the past that I did not care about people around me, even my family, I'm so kind and sympathetic now and I try to make my family and friends happy.

Nadia Kazemi

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How does a good friend affect your personality?

In my opinion having a good friend will result in having a strong personality, for it can affect you even more than your parents. My main reason is that you spent mostly half of your time with your fiends and having spent a great deal of time with them, you will gradually try to imitate their good – or even bad- behavior. Then, having a good mate will lead you to communicate and have good social relationships which, indeed, make you to have a sociable personality. Finally, by having good friends, you will be able to develop your character and become a perfect person.

Sara Solouki

Monday, May 19, 2008

Topics of writing

1-If you are given second chance, would you go for Alzahra University or other university, which one you will choose?(Type I)
2-Smoking can be a very enjoyable activity for three reasons. (Type I)
3-Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? (Type I)
4-If you told that you are going depart this world tomorrow what do you regret most? (Type I)
5-If you are given a chance to choose your hometown, where do you like to live? (Type II)
6-If you could choose the manner of your death what would it be? (Type II)
7-What do you value in choosing a friend/ partner/ job? (Numerous)
8-What make a prefect life for you? (Numerous)
9-What is your most embarrassing moment or frightening nightmare in your life?(Anecdote)
10-How do you cook your favorite dish?(Detail)
11- How do you usually try to cheer up yourself when you are disappointed?
12-How can you prepare yourself for matrimony?(process)
13- How to cook...?(process)
14-How does a child learn his mother tongue?
15-How can a good/bad friend influence you personality?
16-How can capital/physical punishment be beneficial/harmful at school/society?
17- Compare yourself with what you where five years ago. Have you changed or not?
18- Compare/Contrast modern life with life 100 years ago. Has it become better or worth?

Bahareh Changizi

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How does a child learn his mother tongue?

Starting to speak for a child is based on the growth of his organs of speech. As a result, during his first six months of life, a baby just babbles some meaningless sounds; then, little by little, the baby will be able to imitate the others' sounds and produces some tones. Next, about the end of his first year, the baby tries to imitate exactly some specific sounds that he hears. At the beginning of his fortieth week, the baby put his attempt to intimate the words that his mother uses. These attempts are increased until he will be able to produce words, the more the baby observes the thing that he hears its name, the faster he will switch from imitation to real speaking. The primitive word that he learns is a noun or a single syllable that he will repeat it later, like mama or papa. Usually, combining the words with together in order to make a sentence occurs before the end of two years old. His first sentence is a word that is completed with his gestures. Then, after eighteen months, he combines two or more words to make a sentence but it is still incomplete, for example "mama give water!". Following that, in his fourth year, he makes correct and complete sentences. When he is five, he is able to make complete sentences which are almost grammatically correct. And finally, in his sixth year he makes perfect sentences. After that, till the age of ten, he increases the length of his sentences and after this period, the length of them remains fixed or decreases. Finally, at this point a child is able to speak his mother tongue fluently and thoroughly.

Tahereh Zareie

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How can you prepare yourself for matrimony?

In our culture, being prepared for matrimony is a beautiful part of tradition. First, the girl and the boy meet each other and inter act their beliefs and interests. After being accepted by their parents, the second step is the Nomination. The decision will be announced to public. Generally, interchanging the rings is a part of the ceremony. Arranging the house by the groom family and bringing the dowry by the bride family is the next step. Finally, the wedding ceremony is held on a precise date. Broadening Sofre A’ghd is a very adorable part. Having invited, the guests take part in the party and cheer a joyful life for the young couple and wish them prosperity.

Golaleh Khosravi Kurdistani