Monday, May 26, 2008

Compare yourself to what you were 5 years ago, have you changed or not?

Comparing myself to what I was five years ago, I can find much differences rather than similarities. I'm so happier now than what I was before. Although I didn't have any problem, I was so disappointed and unhappy. I was very aggressive before and I was different from what I am now. I was more serious about life at that time and I was worried about future; in contrast I prefer to live at present now and not to think about life seriously. Because it just drives me mad and won't do me any good. I have more experience now which helps know how to make decisions by myself; however I was quite inexperienced before and trusted every stupid person easily and also needed other's advice to make a decision. I'm more strict and persistent than before. Contrary to the past that I did not care about people around me, even my family, I'm so kind and sympathetic now and I try to make my family and friends happy.

Nadia Kazemi

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