Sunday, April 27, 2008

What do you value in choosing a job?

There are many factors that I take into consideration when choosing a job, however, I overvalue a few of them. First and foremost I like a creditable job and workplace. Certain professions by themselves are quite approving and also some workplaces are so well-established that can give the workers an additional credit. The next important factor is having a challenging job. I want my job to provide me with the opportunities to improve myself and not to be a routine-type one. Then, I prefer a job with flexible working hours. With all the responsibilities that life has given me I need a schedule to be able to handle all of them together. And finally, there lies the money matter. Well-paid jobs have always been most welcomed by people including me. There are many factors that make a job desirable but if these four are provided the rest can be overlooked.

Ninette Zadourian

What do you value in choosing a job?

I have chosen my job based on these criteria. I prefer to work in a sound atmosphere; that is the atmosphere that you really work in it, not just speak or laugh with your colleagues. Secondly, I should adjust my working hours in a way that don’t coincide with days and hours I am at university. I was offered a job that required me to appear full-time in the office and it's quite clear that I couldn’t have accepted that job, because now I'm here at your service. Finally, my most important criterion for applying for a job is that I should love it. I do not work for money, I work for its own sake and its pleasure satisfies me. Some months ago, I was offered a permanent, money-making translation on Economics. Though it was a good chance and a lot of my friends encouraged me to accept this opportunity, I didn’t accept it only because I wasn’t interested in this issue.

Mahdieh Mofidi

Sunday, April 20, 2008

How do you usually try to cheer up yourself when you are disappointed?

Life is beautiful and too short, so don't disturb it by being disappointment.
In order to cheer up my self, at first, I try to smile so benignly on the complex situation. It helps me to remove the bad experiences from my mind at that moment.
Secondly, I prefer to have a pleasure time with my family and speak with them to make myself disappointed. By these I can think about my troubles logically and spoil then peacefully.

Mahdieh Poursaleh

What is your most embarrassing moment/ frightening nightmare in your life?

There are some moments in our lives that we wish those had never happened but they did and made embarrassing situations. I had some of those embarrassing moments but the worst one happened when I accepted a responsibility of taking care of one of my mother’s friend’s children. They were two naughty boys that when you see them for the first time you just want to hang them from the ceiling. I took the responsibility that I wish I had never done; anyway their mother told me some tips for looking after them and then left the boys with me alone at home. As soon as she left the house I thought why I was there and what I was going to do with those boys. For about five minutes they were calm, I knew that something was wrong with them. They were evaluating the situation of our house. I brought some dolls and papers for drawing and then left them in a room. When I came back to check them I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, they completely destroyed the room, nothing was in order. I was going to become mad that they started to run I couldn’t catch them in anyway; therefore, I told them that I had some delicious things to eat then I went to rest a little bit. I just close my eyes for some seconds that I felt cold water in my face; they had poured a jag of water in my face, there I couldn’t control my self, so I tied one of them to a chair roughly and the other one was running around the house and making noises so I started to snap him it was there that their mother and mine arrived while I was snapping her boys. She looked at me angrily and without saying anything took her boys and left the house then at night her husband called my mother and complained about my behavior with their children; although I didn’t have any regrets but that moment was the most embarrassing one in my life.

Mojdeh Allahdadi

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Honestly I do not want to die; Not yet! But as I am forced to! Let us talk about it.

I am given a chance to choose the manner of my death.(How lucky I am!) First of all I do not want to die in an earthquake.It is absolutely a tragedy and all the people around the world will become sad and depressed but not for me.No one cares about me!
As a second way I hate dying in a car accident.Imagine that you are having a good time with your friends or family in a car,maybe you are laughing and suddenly everything is finished!No!That is not a good way.
The third way is to die in a hospital.While I am sick for a long time as days pass by everyone become tired of me.They wish me to die as soon as possible!And after long time,dying in a rainy day,lonely in the hospital is dreadful.Oh!No!It is not fair!
At last maybe this could be the best way to die:in a sunny day that everyone is happy;After having lots of fun with my friends,enjoying my life with my family;At night I will go to bed and close my eyes and ask God to forgive me for all those bad things that I did and all those good things that I could do but I did not!I will die and they will find my cold body in the next morning.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Nilofar Rajabi Moghadam -

If I was given a chance to choose my home town I would definitely choose a European city. I have three major reasons why I prefer European cities to my real hometown. First of all there would be more facilities to live comfortably. Most of European cities are civilized and the life standard is high. As a result living is easier and more pleasurable. My second reason is about the freedom that can be found there. European can dress in a way the like; they can show their disagreement toward their government policy easily. As we saw lots of movies that are against their country policy and there wouldn’t be any punishment because of disagreement. My last reason goes back to the environmental cleanness. There are lots of laws to keep the environment clean and people obey the rules willingly. There is less air pollution and surely there is less diseases. These three reasons combine together to convince me to prefer European cities to Tehran.

p.s. dear amigos I definitely prefer my real hometown to any other city just because I love it but I don’t have convincing reasons to write paragraph thus I said I would choose European city.

Nilofar Rajabi Moghadam

Wednesday, April 9, 2008