Sunday, April 27, 2008

What do you value in choosing a job?

I have chosen my job based on these criteria. I prefer to work in a sound atmosphere; that is the atmosphere that you really work in it, not just speak or laugh with your colleagues. Secondly, I should adjust my working hours in a way that don’t coincide with days and hours I am at university. I was offered a job that required me to appear full-time in the office and it's quite clear that I couldn’t have accepted that job, because now I'm here at your service. Finally, my most important criterion for applying for a job is that I should love it. I do not work for money, I work for its own sake and its pleasure satisfies me. Some months ago, I was offered a permanent, money-making translation on Economics. Though it was a good chance and a lot of my friends encouraged me to accept this opportunity, I didn’t accept it only because I wasn’t interested in this issue.

Mahdieh Mofidi


Bahar CH. said...

Great, But I have a coment but I'm not sure that it is ture or not. In enumeration paragraph we must have listing signals and you have secondly , finally but how about the FIRST? :)

ninette said...

Dear Mahdieh,it was a quite acceptable paragraph I'm sure you can improve much more.

golkurd said...

Chère Mahdiéh,
C'est formidable.Tu a écrit bien.Je suis contente que tu est travailleuse.Bon courage!